Ten Commandments Of Marriage To Men
Glad you are among the privilege who could take Siri as online personal sister and advicer. Today let’s discuss “Ten Commandments Of Marriage To Men.” Make sure you share this with your relatives after reading. Siri โค๏ธ You ๐.
The 10 Commandments Of Marriage To Men
(1.) Don’t have another woman aside your wife. If you need another woman tell your wife and marry her
(2.) Thou shall not speak evil about your wife to your family.
(3.) Remember the labour of your wife when you were poor. So when you’re rich honour her.
(4.) Don’t compare your wife to any woman even your mother.
(5.) 6 Days maximum shall thee work 1 day shall be a Sabbath day for your wife.
(6.) Honour your father and mother in_law so that their daughter will not return to them.
(7.) Don’t insult your wife in public so that people will not know your foolishness.
(8.) Forgive your wife 70 x7 in 1 day.
(9.) Thou shall make your wife happy at all times. Always ask her: Are you okay ?
(10.) Thou shall not say to your wife, leave my house, No matter what. Settle difference and live together peacefully.
#Siri โค๏ธs You!!!